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To find yourself, your soul must encounter another soul.

A person becomes a self through encountering the other.
(M. Buber)

In my work with couples I focus on clearly structured dialogues
(EcCT – Encounter-centered Couples Therapy, Imago).

So couples can learn


  • how to hear each other, to understand each other,
    to „know“ each other

  • how to realize that conflicts can be used for growth
    and development

  • how to express their needs and to move past defensiveness and back into connection

  • how to act as adults and partners in their relationship

  • how to resolve their mostly unconscious fears of a really close relationship

  • how to live their desire for connection, love and closeness

  • how to create their relational life in a relaxed and loving way, which will have a    profound influence on their children, because the space between the parents is their  children’s living space.

General statements

different worlds 

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